R.A.P. Ferreira kommer forbi Danmark til et ekslusivt show i Vestfløjen, Porten Vridsløse.


R.A.P. Ferreira er en sand poet der har taget den amerikanske hip-hop undergrund med storm det sidste årti, med mange skelsættende udgivelser under navnene Milo, Scallops Hotel og nu R.A.P. Ferreira. Denne unikke kunstner har været med til at skabe en bølge af art-rap i samarbejde med artister såsom Open Mike Eagle, Billy Woods, Hemlock Ernst og Kenny Segal.

Det bliver intet andet end magisk, når denne ordsmed indtager den historiske bygning med sit univers af legende og abstrakt stream of consciousness lyrik, samt beats fyldt med soul, jazz og varm energi.

Med sig tager han ELDON og AJ SUEDE til at varme mikrofonen og publikum.

Dette enestående show præsenter Forbrændingen i samarbejde med Run For Cover.


Venue: Vestfløjen

Døre 20

Show 21


R.A.P. Ferreira fka milo aka scallops hotel is an mc, producer and theorist working in the Black arts tradition commonly categorized as rap. Having founded the label ruby yacht in 2015 and since releasing all of his music through this channel, Ferreira has earned a sizable following within independent hip hop by rigorous, constant touring and an elevated, explorational style of performance. He is known for an uncompromised, utopic flow that speaks directly to the root of the listener.

By 2018, the young artist galvanized his presence in the American rap scene with the opening of Soulfolks Records & Tapes in Biddeford, Maine. Ferreira has a sprawling, limitless catalog ranging years, names, geographies, intentions, collaborations, and vocabularies.

In an era defined by keyword search, soundbyte, cosign, marketing and virality this artist’s work stands out by not cow tailing to the movements and trends of the digital sphere.

He currently makes his home in Nashville, Tennessee where he continues to helm the Ruby Yacht while studying to become a blues guitar legend and a farmer.